I think I'm failing French....
I think my brain is trying to tell me something. I woke up irritated today. I remember having all these dreams of failure and angst. I was in a college French class (which by the way... I NEVER took) and apparently I have been skipping, because for whatever reason, I just find out that I have a 60 page paper due, like TOMORROW. It's all stress and anxiety, and feeling like I have to drop the class, but that will mean I won't graduate.......... It all seemed so real, and I actually woke up feeling stressed and behind. I know I DID actually graduate from college twice, so it's all perceived stress. I figure my brain is trying to tell me something. Then I get up and check my calendar for the day on my phone, only to find out that my calendar didn't sync like it was supposed to with my new mobile me thing, and that set me off into another little tirade of angst and anxiety. I was actually ready to give up on the whole e-calendar i...