Self Worth Beats Net Worth!
Ding Dong....the BOOT IS GONE! (I wish there was some way to notate sing songy voice in typing! ha)
Yup, it's true. The dreaded boot is gone from my life, and I have been given a 3 week trial from my doctor to see how I can do without it. So Good! I am trying to be responsible and "ease back" into my exercise, and I am so glad to not be lugging that extra bit of weight around with me.
However, my experience with all of this has gotten me to thinking. Many of you who follow me on here have written and said that it isn't the end goal of finishing the race that makes me a princess, but the epiphanies that I've had and will have along the way that simply open the door for me to see what has perhaps always been there. I'm beginning to see some merit to this way of thinking.
I have spent my entire life not giving myself credit, but instead tearing away at my own self esteem and sense of worth. I sort of feel like I've been living with negative equity so to speak, but instead of negative equity in my car or my home.....I'm living in negative equity with myself. Instead of making positive investments in myself by doing things that build me up, I have spent an inordinate amount of time making withdrawls against my self esteem by judging, comparing, and questioning my every move until I am operating on a negative balance of self value.
I am beginning to realize that throughout the past few months I think I've begun to turn that around a little. Although the deposits haven't been monumental, I think they are starting to add up. Those little bouts of self realization, however simple they may have been, have begun to rebuild my confidence and have in a way made me realize that for me to be the wife/mother/friend/human being that I want to be, I have to continue to invest in myself in a positive way. All these seemingly small accomplishments, like losing a little weight, exercising, saying no, being sad when I need to be, taking time for myself, and resting when I need it are slowly but surely revealing the Princess within.
It may be a corny analogy, but it's working for me. No more operating on credit. I am cutting up that negative emotional charge card. I have to continue to deposit positive energy and experiences into myself. I feel stronger physically, yes, but also mentally and emotionally stronger than I have for a long while. Even AFTER all these challenges that I was sure would ruin my plans. So, I thank you all who have encouraged me. I WILL continue to work and challenge myself, to sometimes stumble, once in a while fall, and eventually succeed.
I'll keep you posted!
Yup, it's true. The dreaded boot is gone from my life, and I have been given a 3 week trial from my doctor to see how I can do without it. So Good! I am trying to be responsible and "ease back" into my exercise, and I am so glad to not be lugging that extra bit of weight around with me.
However, my experience with all of this has gotten me to thinking. Many of you who follow me on here have written and said that it isn't the end goal of finishing the race that makes me a princess, but the epiphanies that I've had and will have along the way that simply open the door for me to see what has perhaps always been there. I'm beginning to see some merit to this way of thinking.
I have spent my entire life not giving myself credit, but instead tearing away at my own self esteem and sense of worth. I sort of feel like I've been living with negative equity so to speak, but instead of negative equity in my car or my home.....I'm living in negative equity with myself. Instead of making positive investments in myself by doing things that build me up, I have spent an inordinate amount of time making withdrawls against my self esteem by judging, comparing, and questioning my every move until I am operating on a negative balance of self value.
I am beginning to realize that throughout the past few months I think I've begun to turn that around a little. Although the deposits haven't been monumental, I think they are starting to add up. Those little bouts of self realization, however simple they may have been, have begun to rebuild my confidence and have in a way made me realize that for me to be the wife/mother/friend/human being that I want to be, I have to continue to invest in myself in a positive way. All these seemingly small accomplishments, like losing a little weight, exercising, saying no, being sad when I need to be, taking time for myself, and resting when I need it are slowly but surely revealing the Princess within.
It may be a corny analogy, but it's working for me. No more operating on credit. I am cutting up that negative emotional charge card. I have to continue to deposit positive energy and experiences into myself. I feel stronger physically, yes, but also mentally and emotionally stronger than I have for a long while. Even AFTER all these challenges that I was sure would ruin my plans. So, I thank you all who have encouraged me. I WILL continue to work and challenge myself, to sometimes stumble, once in a while fall, and eventually succeed.
I'll keep you posted!
You are so cool, what more can I can say. So happy to read this! <3 I am making the same credit journey-- love how you put that--myself. Just know you have company along the way! Love to you, amazing woman. <3