The Ice Cream Truck Can't Make Me Cry Anymore.
Claire was born on May 19th. In Wisconsin, this ALMOST counts as spring, but the night she was born we had a hard freeze. Anyway...once we got home with her, every night around 5:30 was her fussy time. For those of you who have kids, you know this can be the most stressful time of the day as you anticipate what is coming. A crying, uncontrollable baby that you can do nothing with, but listen to her cry. Well, since it was "spring" it was ice cream truck time. Every night at about 5:15 the truck would come by our house playing it's music that to me sounds like it belongs in a scary movie. Every night...5:15....and soon, Like Pavlov's dogs, that sound signaled to me that fussy time was almost upon us......and I would cry. Not because I hate Ice cream, but because that sound made me know that soon the chaos would be upon me. the 10 years that have passed since then, I can once again hear that creepy song of summer witho...