Dabbling in Mediocrity
What does it mean to be the best? I've had this conversation with so many people that it's a little mind numbing. I am a perfectionist. You wouldn't necessarily know this about me when you walk into my life. My house isn't immaculate, I have piles of stuff to go through, and my bed isn't always made. When it comes to my personal goals and desires though....the bar is pretty high. I often set expectations for myself that I would never hold anyone else to. I used to believe that being the best meant being in front and leading the pack. If I was finding myself anywhere behind that point...I felt that I had failed. When I was running, I was always pushing to try to better my time and move closer to the front of the pack, even though my body wasn't built for what I was putting it through. When I was watching what I ate....I gave up everything that was "bad" and only had safe and nutritious foods in my pantry. I woul...