Aloha that you??
I'm lucky. of the luckiest people in the world I think.
See...this week I was able to go ahead and sign up for the race. I have registered, bought a plane ticket, and booked a hotel. It's a done deal. Financial investment made. I'm excited at the prospect of completing this goal, and being able to do it with some of my best friends and supporters with me in person and in spirit. I'm lucky.
I'm lucky because I have really great people in my life who give me the straight poop when I need it. Jason who said "just freakin' do this!" when I was questioning. Robin who said "make sure you're making the decisions for yourself." Johnna who told me "I'd hate to see this goal pass you by." (and walked 8 miles in the gale force wind and sleet with me. ha) Mandy who said from the beginning over a year ago, "you can do this," and who has helped me get stronger and healthier. My kids, who inspire me to show them that their mom is strong, healthy, and does things for herself. And all the people who have read, commented, and encouraged me to keep on the path. Truly lucky.
I am 49 days out from the race now, and I have no doubt that I will be crossing that finish line in Florida a Princess. Not because of the medal, but because of the lessons I've learned and continue to learn along the journey to this accomplishment and because of the people who have supported me along the way.
And if you wanna talk lucky, listen to this. Seems I'll be going to Hawaii anyway. Yup...our timeshare company emailed us that we had been booked in a condo on the island of Oahu for the week of our kids' spring break. 11 days after the race, I will be sitting on the beach in Hawaii with my husband and my kids. It might not be the swanky romantic trip for two, but maybe this sweet, fun, amazing family vacation is really where I was meant to be. Spending time with the people for whom I want to live a long and healthy life.......
The training continues, the muscles continue to ache, but the person is happy and content today. That's really what makes me luckiest.
You really ARE a princess! So excited for you!!! <3